Census of Canada: 1901/New Brunswick/Westmorland
Title Census of Canada: 1901/New Brunswick/Westmorland Short Title Census: 1901 Census of Canada/New Brunswick/Westmorland Source ID S97 Linked to Marie Ida (Ida) LeBlanc
Marie Kathleen (Catherine) LeBlanc
Olive LeBlanc
Olive Pamelia LeBlanc
Philias LeBlanc
Tilmon LeBlanc
Philip LeBlanc\White
Elizabeth (Isabelle) Leger
Emilienne Leger
Modeste Leger
Philomene Leger
Philomene Lirette
Marine Melanson
Philomene Melanson
Elizabeth Richard
Marguerite Richard
[More individuals]
Family: Aime (Amos) Vienneau / Philomene Melanson
Family: Joseph Adolphe LeBlanc / Emilienne ...