Transcription of headstones of Fernwood Cemetery, Port Elgin, NB available at Library, Mt Allison Univ, Sackville, NB - extracted from original Jun 1977
Title Transcription of headstones of Fernwood Cemetery, Port Elgin, NB available at Library, Mt Allison Univ, Sackville, NB - extracted from original Jun 1977 Short Title Cemetery: NB, Port Elgin: Fernwood Cemetery Source ID S218 Linked to Bloyce Robert Oulton
Charity Clara Oulton
Charles Rufus Oulton
Elizabeth Olive Oulton
George Oulton
Harold Steadman Oulton
Hazel Mae Oulton
John Main Oulton
Margaret Louise Oulton
Maxwell Oulton
Minerva Jane Oulton
Olivia Elizabeth Oulton
Robert Trenholm Oulton
Sarah Jane Oulton
Thomas Alexander Oulton
Verne Rayworth Oulton
[More individuals]
Family: Norman Blair Copp / Annie Neill Smart
Family: James Heber Brown / Margaret Louise Oulton