Newspaper: photocopies of clippings of Rachel (LeBlanc) Pelham - copied Aug 2006
Title Newspaper: photocopies of clippings of Rachel (LeBlanc) Pelham - copied Aug 2006 Short Title Newspaper: photocopies of clippings of Rachel (LeBlanc) Pelham - copied Aug 2006 Source ID S122 Linked to Marion Ada LeBlanc
Marjorie Louise (Marge) LeBlanc
Rachel Theresa LeBlanc
Reginald Henry LeBlanc
Ronald John LeBlanc
Winnifred Martha (Winnie) LeBlanc
Abel McGraw
Dale Michael McGraw
Jill Annette McGraw
Lee Edward McGraw
Wendy Ann McGraw
Phyllis Margaret McNeil
Stephen G Ryan
Marjorie Slocum
Harold Joseph Smith
Cecil Leo Terrio
[More individuals]
Family: Aubrey J. Burke / Marjorie Slocum
Family: Reuben McGraw / Josephine LeBlanc
Family: Harold Joseph Smith / Edith E Wella
Family: Albert Cormier / Catherine Brine
Family: Edmund Ryan / Ethel Margaret Terrio
Family: Stephen G Ryan / ... ...