Newspaper: Clippings from assorted newspapers from grandmother, Melinda (Leblanc)Vienneau given to me in the 1970's, plus some sent to me by mail at a later date.
Title Newspaper: Clippings from assorted newspapers from grandmother, Melinda (Leblanc)Vienneau given to me in the 1970's, plus some sent to me by mail at a later date. Short Title Newspaper: Clippings from assorted newspapers from grandmother, M.Vienneau Source ID S121 Linked to Amede Duguay
Melas Gallant
Obeline Gallant
Olivier Gallant
Rosalie Gallant
Thomas Gallant
Valentin Gallant
Charles Victor (Victor) LeBlanc
Doris LeBlanc
Josephine Adele (Adele) LeBlanc
Marion Ada LeBlanc
Stephen Lawrence (Steve) LeBlanc
Thaddeus Leo (Thaddee) LeBlanc
Emilienne Leger
Justine Melanson
Marie Adelphine (Delphine) Melanson
[More individuals]
Family: Albenie Donette / Marie Alice (Alice) Melanson
Family: Douglas Waite Jr. / Pauline Marie Janet Vienneau