Our Maritime Ties
Augusta Elmquist
Bostrom Family Headstone
This headstone was in the centre of the Bostrom plot (Section 3, #96) at Union Cemeetery, St Paul, MN surrounded by six flat stones. The only inscription on the headstone was "BOSTROM"
Status: Located
Plot: Section 3, plot 96
Owner/Source | Arthur Owen |
Date | Sep 2010 |
File name | HS_Bostrom_family.jpg |
File Size | 1.09m |
Dimensions | 808 x 1077 |
Linked to | Mathilda Blumgren (Burial); August Emmanuel Bostrom (Burial); D Harry Emmanuel Bostrom (Burial); Emil (Emanuel Svensson) Bostrom (Burial); Augusta Elmquist (Burial); Nilla Jonsdotter (Burial); Amy M Ostberg (Burial) |
Union Cemetery, St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, United States