Our Maritime Ties
Minerva (Minnie) Selina Arsenault Arsenault[1]

Name Minerva (Minnie) Selina Arsenault Arsenault Born 24 Nov 1890 Adamsville, Kent Co., New Brunswick [2, 3, 4]
- Registered at birth with the name of Marie Celina Arsenault.
Gender Female Census 1901 Cumberland County, Nova Scotia [5]
- She appears on this census with her family and 6 siblings. Her name is written as Seleana.
Residence Oct 1909 Windsor, Hants, Nova Scotia, Canada [6]
Buried Windsor, Hants, Nova Scotia, Canada [1]
Person ID I6394 Annette - Research Last Modified 7 Apr 2024
Father Philippe Arsenault, b. 10 Feb 1864, Cape Bald, , NB , d. 8 Mar 1943, Chelsea, , Massachusetts, USA
(Age 79 years)
Mother Adelaide (Della\Ellen) Savoie, b. 4 Nov 1863 Family ID F2698 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Ralph Hughes, b. 1889, Windsor, Hants, Nova Scotia, Canada Married 4 Oct 1909 Windsor, Hants, Nova Scotia, Canada [1, 3, 6]
- Name used when the bride married was Minnie Sylavia Arsenault. The bride is age 19 and the groom is age 20. The bride gives her birth location as "near Moncton, N.B." and her parents are Philip and Della Arsenault. Witnesses are Frank Puruis and Mrs G Smith.
Children 1. Laura B Hughes, b. 3 May 1911, Windsor, Hants, Nova Scotia, Canada , d. Yes, date unknown
Family ID F2742 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Sources - [S667] Info:Jo-Ann Redden, email Dec2021.
- [S107] VitalStats: NB,Westmorland Co.,Prov.Archives,Govt. Records, mf reel F14035,code 8-1-55-177 .
- [S129] Info:Sara (Arsenault) Mallett/Maillet, email from Mar 2007.
- [S125] Book:Dictionnaire genealogique des familles Arsenault, ISBN 2-921146-92-4., p.618.
- [S143] Census: 1901 Census of Canada/Nova Scotia/Cumberland, MF reel T-6449,Sched.1;Dist:Cumberland#30;Subdist:Springhill(PD25)W,p.10;family#81.
Appears under the name Lileana with her parents and six siblings:
Areneau, Lileana F Dau. S 10 Dec 1890 10 NB rural - [S674] VitalStats: NS,Hants County,Prov.Archives,Govt.Records, online:Reg.Yr:1909 book:1824 page:121 number:107-mar.
- [S667] Info:Jo-Ann Redden, email Dec2021.