Our Maritime Ties
Joseph dit Grand Jos Caissy

Name Joseph dit Grand Jos Caissy Born 1709 Beaubassin [1, 2]
Gender Male Died Bef 1800 Cocagne [3]
Notes - Bona-vol.3,p.890-b.yr,marr.info;members of this family settled at Baie des Vins, Cocagne and Grande Digue, in N.B. J02-p.102-marr.info;Caissie's of New Brunswick are the descendants of this Grand Jos.
Person ID I3403 Annette - Research Last Modified 10 Feb 2007
Father Michel Caissy, b. Aug 1684, Beaubassin , d. Nov 1733, Beaubassin
(Age ~ 49 years)
Mother Madeleine Gaudet, b. 1682, Port Royal , d. 25 Nov 1757, Quebec, Que.
(Age 75 years)
Family ID F1320 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Marie Josephe Lapierre, b. 1713, d. Yes, date unknown Married Abt 1731 Beaubassin [2, 4]
Children 1. Marie Caissie, b. 1732, d. Nov 1807, Cocagne, (N.B.) (Age 75 years)
2. Jean Baptiste Caissie, b. 27 Oct 1733, Beaubassin , d. Abt Oct 1821, Baie des Ouines (Baie Ste Anne)
(Age 87 years)
3. Madeleine Caissie, b. Abt 1734, d. 13 Jun 1819, Memramcook (Age ~ 85 years)
4. Pierre Caissie, b. 4 Aug 1741, Beaubassin , d. Jan 1813, Richibouctou Village, NB
(Age 71 years)
5. Joseph Caissie, b. 5 Mar 1748, Beaubassin , d. 2 Jul 1832, Grande Digue, New Brunswick
(Age 84 years)
6. Etienne Caissie\Kecy, b. Abt 1750, Beaubassin , d. Pokemouche
7. Anastasie Caissie, b. Abt 1758, d. 14 Apr 1830, Barachois (Age ~ 72 years)
Family ID F1469 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Sources - [S115] Book:Bona Vol.3 Beaubassin Grand-Pre, ISBN 0-7761-5027-8/0-7761-5030-8(vol.3)., p.890.
- [S96] Periodical: La Societe Hist. Acad., Avr,Mai,Jun 1971, Vol IV, No.1, p.102.
- [S123] Book:La Famille Caissie (Caissey-Quessy-Roger), ISBN 2-9808358-0-3., p.212.
- [S115] Book:Bona Vol.3 Beaubassin Grand-Pre, ISBN 0-7761-5027-8/0-7761-5030-8(vol.3)., p.890 & 1011.
- [S115] Book:Bona Vol.3 Beaubassin Grand-Pre, ISBN 0-7761-5027-8/0-7761-5030-8(vol.3)., p.890.