Our Maritime Ties
Jean Baptiste (Jean dit Chaculo) Arsenault

Name Jean Baptiste (Jean dit Chaculo) Arsenault Born Abt 1750 Malpec, Ile St.Jean [1, 2, 3, 4]
Gender Male Census 1752 Macpec (Malpeque), ile St.Jean [5]
- Baptist, aged 2, is found with his parents and nine siblings. He is the youngest in the family.
Died Between 1818 and 1822 [4] Person ID I7567 Annette - Research Last Modified 13 Mar 2010
Father Abraham (dit Le Petit Abraham) Arsenault, b. 1702, Beaubassin , d. Yes, date unknown
Mother Marie Josephe Savoie, b. 25 Apr 1709, Port Royal , d. Yes, date unknown
Family ID F1280 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Madeleine Hache-Gallant, b. 1754, d. Yes, date unknown Married 17 Sep 1773 Miscou [1, 3, 6]
- Note: Bona Arsenault shows the older son Jean Baptiste (born 1736) marrying Madeleine Gallant but Denis Savard shows that it is the younger son (Jean) Baptiste born in 1750 who marries Madeleine who herself was born in 1754.
Children 1. Theotiste Arsenault, b. Abt 1774, d. Yes, date unknown 2. Martine Arsenault, b. Abt 1778, d. Yes, date unknown 3. Abraham Arsenault, b. 1779 4. Eustache Arsenault, b. Abt 1781, d. Bef 14 Oct 1856 (Age ~ 75 years) 5. Modeste Arsenault, b. Abt 1781, d. Yes, date unknown 6. Hilaire\Hilarion dit Castor Arsenault, b. Abt 1783, d. 23 May 1876, Egmont Bay, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada (Age ~ 93 years)
7. Pelagie Arsenault, d. Bef 3 Sep 1821 8. Tharsile Arsenault, b. Abt 1789, d. Bef 21 Jan 1855 (Age ~ 66 years) 9. Jean Arsenault, b. Abt 1791, d. 15 Oct 1880, Egmont Bay, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada (Age ~ 89 years)
10. Fidele Arsenault, b. Abt 1792, d. 1846, Cap Pelé, Westmorland County, New Brunswick (Age ~ 54 years)
Family ID F3202 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Sources - [S125] Book:Dictionnaire genealogique des familles Arsenault, ISBN 2-921146-92-4., p.5.
- [S128] Book:Bona Vol.5 Plaisanca, Ile Royale, Louisbourg, Ile Saint-Jean, ISBN 0-7761-5027-8/0-7761-5032-4(vol.5)., p.2056.
- [S188] Info:Raymond Arsenault, gedcom Mar2008.
- [S282] Info:Marcel Landry, Sep2009 Family Sheet for Jean Baptiste Arsenault & Madeleine Gallant.
- [S12] Census: 1752 Census of Isle Royale (Cape Breton), ISBN: 1-886560-48-X., p.156.
Abraham Arcenaud dit le petit Abraham, native of l'Acadie, aged 50 years, he has been in the country 11 years, ploughman. Married to Marie Joseph Savoye, aged 42 years.
They have ten children, five sons and five daughters:
Jean Baptiste, aged 16 years;
Jacques, aged 12 years;
Joseph, aged 8 years;
Hilarion, aged 4 years;
Baptiste, aged 2 years;
Anne, aged 20 years;
Marie Joseph, aged 18 years;
Anne Anastasie, aged 14 years;
Marguerite, aged 10 years;
Martine, aged 6 years.
In live stock they have two oxen, two cows, two calves, five wethers, eight ewes, and three pigs. - [S128] Book:Bona Vol.5 Plaisanca, Ile Royale, Louisbourg, Ile Saint-Jean, ISBN 0-7761-5027-8/0-7761-5032-4(vol.5)., pp.2057,2107.
- [S125] Book:Dictionnaire genealogique des familles Arsenault, ISBN 2-921146-92-4., p.5.