Our Maritime Ties
Isidore dit Gédore Doiron

Name Isidore dit Gédore Doiron Born 1743 [1] Gender Male Census 1827 Nappan, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia [2]
- There were eight persons living in the household of Gedore Gould in the census for Nappan in 1827. Gedore (Isidore) was 84 years old and a properous farmer. He had 80 cultivated acres with a harvest of 25 bushels of wheat and 100 bushels of other grain, 85 tons of hay and 1600 bushels of potatoes. His farm had 5 horses, 40 horned beasts, 25 sheep and 13 pigs. It is probable that some of his children lived with him as well as a domestic servant.
Misc 1827 census Nappan [2]
is among eight persons in a household in the - The 1827 census for Nappan has him in a household of eight people. Aged 84 years, he is a prosperous farmer. He had 80 acres of cultivated land, with a harvest of 25 bushels of wheat, 100 bushels of other grains, 85 tons of hay, 1600 bushels of potatoes. His farm had 5 horses, 40 horned beasts (cattle?), 25 sheep and 13 pigs. It is probable that some of his children lived with himas well as a domestic servant. Many of his children, like him, lived to an advanced old age for the time.
Misc settled in Minudie [3] - "Another veteran who escaped the New England was Zedore Gould, an Acadian who lived at the Gasperaux River, near Fort Gasperaux. He fled through the forest and made his way, with others, to a secluded spot on the Miramichi River. There he and his kind survived until the general surrender four years later, when Gould chose to still keep out of the English clutches... Gould, after years of wandering, ventured to Minoudie and became an industrious tenant of Governor DesBarres"
Residence Nappan, Cumberland [2]
Died 31 Mar 1841 Nappan [1]
Notes - From the book, La famille Doiron (Gould): Isidore is the ancestor of most of the Doiron/Gould families of Nappan and Amherst. The Nappan Census of 1827 tells us there were eight persons in the house of Gedore Gould. He was a fairly prosperous farmer. He had 80 cultivated acres with a harvest of 25 bushels of wheat and 100 bushels of other grains, 85 tons of hay and 1600 bushels of potatoes. His farm included 5 horses, 40 horned beasts, 25 sheep and 13 pigs. It is probably that some of his children lived with him and served as domestics. Many of his children, like him, lived to an old age. - translation done by A.Owen, Apr2015
Person ID I2566 Annette - Research Last Modified 10 Apr 2015
Father Pierre dit Pitre Doiron, b. Abt 1712, Beaubassin , d. 1794, Maccan
(Age ~ 82 years)
Mother Anne Forest, b. Abt 1715, Beaubassin , d. 1790, Nappan
(Age ~ 75 years)
Family ID F277 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Anne Downey\Downing, b. 6 Jan 1764, Franklin Manor Married 15 Sep 1781 Franklin Manor [2, 4]
Children 1. Francois (Francis) Doiron, b. 15 Aug 1782, Franklin Manor, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia , d. Yes, date unknown
2. Ursule Doiron, b. 26 Jun 1785, Franklin Manor, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia , d. Abt Jun 1836 (Age 50 years)
3. Veronique Doiron, b. 24 Jun 1786, Franklin Manor, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia , d. Dec 1869 (Age 83 years)
4. Isabelle Doiron, b. Abt 1791, d. Yes, date unknown 5. Apolline Doiron, b. Abt 1792, d. Yes, date unknown (Age ~ 78 years) 6. David Doiron, b. 15 Apr 1793, d. 3 Dec 1879 (Age 86 years) 7. Pierre Doiron, b. Abt 1795, d. Yes, date unknown 8. Marie Doiron, b. Abt 1798, d. Yes, date unknown (Age ~ 81 years) 9. Catherine Doiron, b. Abt 1801, d. Yes, date unknown (Age ~ 52 years) 10. Jean Doiron, d. Yes, date unknown 11. Joseph Doiron, d. Yes, date unknown 12. Michel Doiron, d. Yes, date unknown 13. Georges Doiron\Gould, b. Abt 1811, d. Yes, date unknown Family ID F1068 Group Sheet | Family Chart