Our Maritime Ties
Amand Paul Gauterot

Name Amand Paul Gauterot Born 24 Jan 1732 Grand Pre Gender Male Notes - Bona-vol.3,p.1173-b.yr;settled in Louisianna -vol.6, p.2490-marr.info. In 1769, he occupied lot number 83 on the west bank of the Mississippi at Saint Jacques. An orphan, Madeleine Gaudet, born in 1755, lived with him. M01-p.526-b.dt.&loc,marr.info.gives yr of about 1761.
Person ID I3855 Annette - Research Last Modified 28 Jan 2008
Father Charles Gauterot, b. Abt 1704, Grand Pre Mother Marie Josephe LeBlanc, b. 1705, Grand Pre Family ID F1444 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Marie Landry, b. 1738, d. Yes, date unknown Married Abt 1758 Family ID F1690 Group Sheet | Family Chart