Our Maritime Ties
Place List: G
Place List: G, sorted alphabetically
Click on a place to show smaller localities. Click on the search icon to show matching individuals. Heat Map
1. Gascony 2. Gaspareaux River 3. Gaspareaux River area 4. Germany (75) 5. Ghana (1) 6. Ghent 7. Glastonbury 8. Glenwood Cemetery 9. Gloucester 10. Gloucester Cathedral |
11. Gottorp 12. Grand Digue 13. Grand Manan 14. Grand Pre (7) 15. Grand Pré (2) 16. Grand-Pre 17. Grande Anse 18. Grande Digue 19. Grande Riviere 20. Grande-Digue |
21. Grays Lake 22. Great Britain (3) 23. Greece (2) 24. Greer Settlement 25. Guam (1) 26. Guatemala (2) 27. Gulf Shore 28. Guyana (1) 29. Gysburn 30. Gédaïc |