Notes |
- FL- ADDRESS-L f= W.F.LeBaron
.as of 10/01/91 Hazel Pratt
.husb: Frank 10643 Mapleglen Cres. S.E.
. Calgary, Alberta
. Canada T2J 1X1 403-271-1 840
Place of birth for Hazel was changed from Taber to Barnwell under th e direction
of Hazel on Oct 25, 1992. This information is found in her personal j ournal.
After a first stroke and prior to her second stroke that took her lif e; Hazel
and Frank moved to Cardston purchasing a home affectionately called t he round
house. They felt they needed a slower way of life and time to atten d the
temple. They both enjoyed the blessings of the new life style, makin g new
friends and taking every opportunity to serve. Hazel became actively
involved in the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers organization as well as
completing/organizing her life history and treasured docuements. Unde r the
direction of her son Donald she wrote many letters in order to updat e family
genealogical information; the majority ofwhich was completed prior t o her
death. Her work along with that of Donald Keith resulted in the compl etion and
distribution of a almost complete list of family members, addresses a nd phone
numbers. Hazels letters to all family members stimuated family unit y and
assured those that may have felt left out that they were of worth. Ir onically
the list of family members, accumulated by Hazel and assembled by Don ald
were distributed at her funeral --- a last testimony of her untiring
willingness to use God given energy to bless the lives of others.
Prior to her stroke/death she had suffered a bought of the flue whic h left her
weak. She was still weak when we travelled down to attend the templ e and visit
with her and Frank. Though we normally would stayed with them she ha d requested
that we stay with Yvonne Attwood this time. We did however take som e time to
visit with her finding her in good spirits and actively engaged in ge nealogy
(she had fourteen letter written and ready to mail to family member s asking
for information) though she was weak. She had no complaints as she sh ared with
us the purchase of a lot in Cardston just four block away. It was a l arge
lot with plenty of room for growing a garden. When she saw the size o f the lot
she jumped up and down in excitment and asked "Can I plant some Tabe r corn? --
I have been given some seed. Typical of her entire life, she had again
identified a way to bless the lives of her children; unselfishly shar ing what
she had for their enjoyment and a opportunity to be involved in their
priorities. That evening my parents (Margarette and DeVere Leavitt)
had asked us to come for a family supper as it was Linda's birthday . When
Hazel declined an invitation to attend we knew she was not feeling st rong
though the smile on her face and her ever joyful personality masked a ny
On tuesday we returned to Edmonton. Thursday during the night Hazel s uffered a
stroke while in her bed at their home in Cardston. Friday morning sh e was taken
to the hospital by her husband Frank. Her communication was limited a nd her
concern was that we know that they had been able to find someone tha t was
willing to roto-till the land on our lot so that the corn could be pl anted.
That morning following a blessing from the bishop which provided som e comfort;
Frank called us with the news. By afternoon we were on our way to Car dston.
Upon arriving we found mother unable to communicate except to squeez e your
hand. As the family began to gather and mothers' condition worsened F ather
(Frank Pratt) asked each one whether they felt we should do anythin g to
prolong her life -- if an further emergency arose. Each felt that w e should
instruct the doctors not to take any action incase of a heart attac k or
other further complication. All felt that she had lived a good life a nd that
they would rather have her go than to see her suffer further or lea d a impaired
life. Having arrived at this conclusion, on the sunday the family wa s asked to
fast that the will of Heavenly Father would be granted -- that she wo uld be
taken quickly or that she would be restored to her normal health. The se
feelings had been expressed as sons of Mother had layed hands on he r head with
father as the voice the previous saturday.
On monday 27 of March 1995 at 11:30 A.M. Hazel returned to her Heaven ly Father.
Those in the room felt her love and that of those that had come to ta ke her
home. Even the nurse who came to check her purse commented on the tre mendous
feeling of love in the room. At her passing Frank asked for a momen t with
mother alone; then each family member present was given the opportuni ty to say
goodbye before the staff of Salmon Funeral home removed the body in
preparation of for the funeral.
Father was calm and later that afternoon, at the home of Yvonne and L ayne did a
most admirable job of conducting a family meeting to plan the funera l program.
Then on March 30, 1995 all seventeen children gathered to honor thei r mother.
The coffin had been made by and under the direction of Brian Pratt. T he girls
painted on flowers and the words: "Thy children shall rise up and cal l thee
Blessed." The biography was given by a daughter Janet Pratt Marshal l and a talk
by a son Donald Keith. Bishop Ken Summerfelt provided concluding rema rks. The
Pallbears were Donald Keith, Franklin Pratt, Brain Pratt, Daniel Prat t, Robert
Pratt and Craig Pratt. Interment in the Queen's Park Cemetary, Calgar y, Alberta
Canada. At the Cemetary Father sang a song of fairwell, "--and He wal ked with
me and He talked with me--" and expressed the feeling to the family t hat he
had never felt so peaceful. Having overcome accomplished many tasks i n life
and having overcome the weaknesses which mortallity presents he stoo d as a
father and patriach to his children as they all reluctantly left th e site of
their mothers burial. We will be ever mindful of this great
lady as we observe the blessing of her example in the lives of her ch ildren.