Our Maritime Ties
Family: Edgar, {the Peaceful} King of England / Elfrida (F4597)
Father | Male
Edgar, {the Peaceful} King of England
Born 944 Died 975 Buried Glastonbury Married Other Spouse Ethelfleda _____ | F4679 Married Father Edmund, I {the Magnificent} K of Engla | F4601 Group Sheet Mother Edgira | F4601 Group Sheet
Mother | Female
Born Died 1000 Buried Father Ordgar, Earl of Devonshire | F4602 Group Sheet Mother
Child 2 | Male
Ethelred, II {the Unready} King of England
Born Abt 968 Died 1016 Buried St Paul's Spouse Elfreda (Elfgiva) | F4594 Married Abt 985 Spouse Emma, of Normandy | F4676 Married 1002