Our Maritime Ties
Family: Francois Downing / Nanette LeBlanc (F4033)
Child 1 | Male
Hypolite Downing
Born Died Yes, date unknown Buried Spouse Elizabeth Leger | F4032 Married 26 Jun 1876 [1] the parish of Cap Pele, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, Canada [1]
Sources - [S69] Parish:Cap Pele, NB; Ste-Therese 1813-1959, Microfilm Reel F-1892., p.639,M.4-son's mar.26Jun1876.
- [S69] Parish:Cap Pele, NB; Ste-Therese 1813-1959, Microfilm Reel F-1892., p.639,M.4-son's mar.26Jun1876.