Our Maritime Ties
Family: Andrew\Andre Arsenault / Mary Arsenault (F1685)
m. 25 Nov 1873-
Father | Male
Andrew\Andre Arsenault
Born Abt 1851 Tidnish Died Yes, date unknown Buried Married 25 Nov 1873 [1, 2] Minudie, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada [1, 2] Father Etienne (Stephen) Arsenault | F2641 Group Sheet Mother Osithe Doiron | F2641 Group Sheet
Mother | Female
Mary Arsenault
Born Abt 1856 , Nova Scotia Died Yes, date unknown Buried Father Hyppolite (Polid) Arsenault | F264 Group Sheet Mother Nathalie (Nettie) LeBlanc | F264 Group Sheet
Child 1 | Female
Margaret Ann Arsenault
Born 13 Mar 1875 Joggin Mines, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia Died Yes, date unknown Buried
Notes Married:
- Witnesses at their marriage were Donat Legere and Bibianne Bourque.
Note:There is a discrepancy of a day on the original marriage document (shows date of 26Nov1873)submitted by the priest who married them and the entry in the book (shows a date of 25Nov1873)containing a list of the marriages solemnized.
- Witnesses at their marriage were Donat Legere and Bibianne Bourque.