Our Maritime Ties
Esther Garrald

( = Descendancy chart to this point,
= Expand,
= Collapse)
- 1 Esther Garrald [1] d. 27 Sep 1693
John Olton, of Willington b. 9 Jun 1612 d. Bef 25 Dec 1666
- 2 John Olton, of Kelsall [1.1]
b. 13 Oct 1633 d. Bef 21 Oct 1718
Alice ? b. Abt 1640 d. 1692
- 3 John Oulton [1.1.1]
b. 1660 d. Apr 1681
- 3 Samuel Oulton [1.1.2]
b. 1662/3 d. 1662/3
- 3 Hesta Oulton [1.1.3]
b. 1662/3 d. 1662/3
- 3 William Oulton [1.1.4]
b. Bef 11 Apr 1664 d. Abt 1699
- + Elizabeth Thompson d. 1727
- + Elizabeth Thompson d. 1727
- 3 Thomas Oulton [1.1.5]
b. 1666 d. 1667
- 3 Thomas Oulton [1.1.6]
b. 1668 d. 1672
- 3 Isaac Oulton [1.1.7]
b. 1671 d. 1671
- 3 Thomas Oulton [1.1.8]
b. 1672 d. 1675
- 3 Charles Oulton [1.1.9]
b. Bef 30 Jan 1675/6 d. Oct 1718
Margaret Fisher d. 1729
- 4 John Oulton []
b. 1701 d. 1744
- 4 Thomas Oulton []
b. 1702 d. 1763
- 4 Samuel Oulton []
b. 1704 d. Yes, date unknown
- 4 Elizabeth Oulton []
b. 1706 d. 1711
- 4 Mary Oulton []
b. 1708 d. Yes, date unknown
- 4 Charles Oulton []
b. Bef 16 Oct 1711 d. Yes, date unknown
- 4 Elizabeth Oulton []
b. 1713 d. Yes, date unknown
- 4 William Oulton []
b. 1714 d. Aft 1744 [ =>]
- 4 John Oulton []
- 3 John Oulton [1.1.1]
- 2 Mary Oulton [1.2]
b. 1638 d. Yes, date unknown
- 2 Ann Oulton [1.3]
d. Yes, date unknown
- + Samuel Highfield d. Yes, date unknown
- + Samuel Highfield d. Yes, date unknown
- 2 John Olton, of Kelsall [1.1]